Various pet birds, training to talk parrots available
Prices start from £12 to £595
All young ready to be trained. Beautiful feathers, ready for new homes!
Quails £12 each
Zebra/bengalse Finches from £15 to £18 each
Canaries from £30 to 50 each upwards Budgies from £25 to £30 each
Redrump £75 each
Lovebirds from £50 each upwards
Owl finch £45 each
Starr finch finch £45 each
Gouldains/ Parrot finch £60 each
Parrotlets £60 to £70 each
Kakirikies £75 to £80 each
Green Lineolated Parakeets £65 each
Rubino Rosella £125 each
Cockatiels £80 each
Quaker Parrot £140 to £210 each upwards
Ringneck parrot £130 to £260 each upwards
Yellow sided Conure £135 to £145 each
Breeding Pair Green Ringneck £275
Jenday conure £300 each
Derbyan parrot £285 each
Alexandrine £325 each
Orange Winged Amazon £595 each
Variety of brand new cages, accessories and all your pet essentials available for extra costs
Advice and caresheet provided
Nationwide D available for extra costs
The pet shop 32b Queen street Wolverhampton WV1 3JW. Open 7 days a week. 07742427787
Call or text for more information on thanks
